At the market, there will be different vendors hosting classes, going over growing fundamentals, growing equipment and seeds and cuttings.

CIRCLEVILLE, Ohio — There's a farmers market happening Saturday in Circleville, but this one isn't focused on fresh produce. Since you can now legally grow marijuana in Ohio, this market will focus on people learning how to properly and legally grow their own cannabis at home.
The Farmers Market will be at the Pickaway Agriculture and Event Center.
This event is open to people only 21 and up to stay in compliance with Ohio laws.
There is no place to buy recreational marijuana yet, but adults can legally grow up to six plants since December.
At the market, there will be different vendors hosting classes, going over growing fundamentals, growing equipment and seeds and cuttings.
"I've been saying growing cannabis is easy, but growing good cannabis is hard," said John Lutz. He is the creator of this event and has worked in this industry for 15 years according to him. "We want people to see success and have results early on so that they're not frustrated and leave the hobby."
This is the second market that is happening in Ohio. The first was in Cleveland and Lutz said more than a thousand people came out and they had around 40 vendors. This event will feature 75 vendors.
Lutz said this is a chance to get people access to information they can trust since this is a new option in the state.
He said, "it's nice to have an open and free market where you can just have a community and a culture that understands cannabis, appreciates cannabis, and is very excited to trade genetics amongst each other."
The market is from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday at the Pickaway Agriculture and Event Center and you do have to purchase tickets. The following event is in Canton, OH on April 20th. This will be a market and festival.