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An insurance company blamed a trio of grow light makers in Colorado federal court for a lamp
"catastrophically" exploding, causing it to pay more than $1.5 million in fire damages to a
Maryland medical marijuana grow operation it insured.
National Fire & Marine Insurance Co. said in a complaint filed Friday that a lamp
"catastrophically exploded, failed, disintegrated and caused a fire" in August 2020 at a facility
run by its insured, Manticorp LLC. The insurer blamed Colorado grow light companies Albion
Enterprises and Chlorophyll Inc. and Netherlands-based Lights Interaction Argo BV for failing
to ensure lamps and light fixtures installed in the Maryland facility were safe, among other
Read more at: https://www.law360.com/cannabis/articles/1605435/grow-light-makers-blamed-for-pot-farm-going-up-in-smoke?copied=1