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Morocco issues more than 3,000 authorizations for the legal use of cannabis

The Royal Pardon initiative opens up promising new prospects for growers, who can develop their activities within a regulated framework

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In 2024, Morocco has significantly expanded its legal cannabis sector, issuing over 3,000 authorizations compared to just 721 in the previous year. This growth follows the Royal Pardon initiative, which has provided new opportunities for farmers to operate within a regulated framework. The National Agency for the Regulation of Cannabis-related Activities (ANRAC) has granted 2,837 authorizations for cultivation and production to 2,659 farmers, a substantial increase from 430 in 2023.

Additionally, 192 authorizations were issued to 98 operators for processing, marketing, export, and seed activities. These operators include 23 cooperatives, 51 companies, and 24 private individuals. ANRAC has also certified 7.3 million cannabis seeds for cultivation on 1,164 hectares, benefiting 100 production cooperatives and 1,520 farmers. The use of local Beldia cannabis seeds has been authorized for 1,916 hectares by 106 cooperatives.

Morocco's 2021 law allows cannabis cultivation for medical and industrial purposes in the Rif region, historically known for illicit hashish. The Beldia variety has been authorized for production following studies by the National Institute for Agronomic Research. Strict regulations ensure that any plant extracts with a THC content above 1% must be destroyed, with only those below this threshold being used industrially.

The Royal Pardon initiative has led to 685 convictions being overturned, affecting 4,831 individuals linked to cannabis cultivation, though it excludes those involved in trafficking or serious crimes. This move enhances Morocco's international image and strengthens the legal cannabis sector, offering farmers a secure environment to expand their activities.within a regulated framework.



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